Healthcare Professional School Resourses
Don't miss another opportunity to become a Healthcare Professional in Florida. Become a  Medical Assistant, LPN or Registered Nurse, Dental Assistant, Physical Therapist, Ultrasound or X-ray Technician and earn high pay at a Drs' office or hospital near you. Discover the top online nursing schools to fast track your career.

Florida Online Nursing Degree Schools

Any one of a number of reasons may be pushing you to enroll in one of the Florida nursing degree schools around the state. With so many options available, making a decision about which specialty you want to pursue is one of the most complicated choices you will need to make. Our goal is to help you find a nursing school that provides the education needed to achieve your objective.

Baby boomers are retiring and moving to Florida every day. Being prepared to answer the call for nurses as they age and require specialized care makes it necessary for you to find a nursing school that fits your budget constraints, location, and schedule. Your career goal may be certification in Practical Nursing (LPN/LVN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN), or a Masters Degree in Nursing (MSN). We’ll help you find an online or campus nursing program that meets your goals and needs.

Florida is one of the top 10 states hiring all levels of nursing. Clinics, group homes, hospitals, and nursing homes are examples of places you may consider when applying for work after completing your choice of the Florida nursing degree schools.

Some of the cities with shortages of medical personnel include Miami, Gainesville, Naples, and Fort Lauderdale.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Florida

The need for professional, qualified nurses in every category continues to grow in Florida. Florida nursing degree schools provide the curriculum and skills you will need to participate in this growing job market. Salaries vary from area to area, which may affect which part of the state you decide to work. The average salary for RNs in Florida exceeds $30 an hour. Benefits add to the value of accepting positions in certain areas where your nursing skills help the public.

A job with a 3 or 4 day workweek gives you more time to spend at home or on the beach. Company-paid insurance and advanced training are other benefits that make this career choice a good decision.


We have located four online nursing schools in Florida to choose from. What is great is that you can attend either online or campus.

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Tallahassee, FL
Enrollment: 12,275
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral)

Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences

Orlando, FL
Enrollment: 2,660
School Type: Private
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-RN, RN-to-BSN, Nurse Anesthetist

University of Central Florida

Orlando, FL
Enrollment: 53,400
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, RN-to-MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral), DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL
Enrollment: 50,690
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Certified Nurse Midwife, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral), DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

Top Employers for Nursing School Graduates in Florida

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Florida and surounding area include Florida Hospital Orlando, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Memorial Regional Hospital, Orlando Regional Medical Center, and Tampa General Hospital.


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