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The Top Online Nursing Degree Schools in Virginia

Online Nursing Degree Schools in CaliforniaLike any task worth doing, selecting the right campus or online nursing degree schools in Virginia requires forethought and research. It is important to be sure the program and courses fit your specific goal and meet the requirements of location, budget, and time. That is a lot of research, but we’ll ease the burden of research, comparison, and decision making. We research updates daily so we can obtain our goal of matching you with the learning center that meets your objectives.

The average RN salary of $63,000 increases according to the specialty and location of the position. The median annual salary for an LPN in Alexandria is $48,000. Virginia is among the top 15 states hiring skilled and beginning nurses. Government hospitals and facilities, group homes, emergency and everyday care clinics, private homes, and assisted living centers are just a few of the places in constant need of certified and credentialed nurses in cities like Falls Church, Alexandria, Roanoke, and Williamsburg.

With a current population approaching 8.5 million, the number of residents continues to grow at a steady rate. Approximately 13 percent of the population is 65 and older. The era of the Baby Boomers has changed the face of elder care. Instead of quietly shuffling off to a retirement center, seniors want to stay in their own homes and live the quality of life they have anticipated for years. Certification or a degree as a LPN/LVN, RN, and advanced programs can be focused on any specialty. We’ll help you find online nursing degree schools in Virginia that focus on today’s job market as well as that of the future.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Virginia

The outlook for nursing careers in Virginia is excellent. There are 91 hospitals which are the major employers of licensed nurses. Outpatient and emergency clinics are prevalent throughout the state. Other employment options include travel nurses, state facilities, insurance companies, and working in a doctor’s private practice. Online nursing degree schools in Virginia will help you get your start in this stable career and will provide the way to add to your skills to help you continue to advance in your field.


We have located one online nursing schools in Virginia to choose from. Online or campus classes are available.

University of Virginia

  • Charlottesville, VA
  • Enrollment: 24,355
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral), Post-Doctoral Programs, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)


Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in Virginia

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Virginia and surounding area include Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, CJW Medical Center – Chippenham Campus, Central Virginia Training Center, Henrico Doctors’ Hospital – Forest Campus, and Inova Fairfax Hospital.
