• info@onlinenursingdegreesnow.net

Discover The Top Online Nursing Degree Schools in South Carolina

Online Nursing Degree Schools in CaliforniaA nursing career in South Carolina is just around the corner when you earn a degree or certificate from one of the online nursing degree schools within the state. Various areas of study make it hard to make up your mind about where you want to start. That’s where we come in, because we’ve done the research to review your goals and recommend the right program. Whether you want to work in Columbia, Greenville, or any other part of the state, you will have the training and education you need to move forward.

The ability to respond as the need for nurses continues to grow requires a plan. We’ll take a look at what you need to qualify for your ultimate goal. Completing steps along the way, such as certification as an RN or LPN or earning a BSN or MSN can bring you income and job experience. Concerns like budget constraints, location, and schedules may add extra time to your target date for completion. We will do all we can meet your goals and needs.

South Carolina has vertical and lateral opportunities for licensed nurses at all levels. Setting up and following a schedule for your online nursing degree schools studies makes it easier on you to qualify for areas with nursing shortages, including Charleston, Aiken, and Rock Hill. Mid-sized hospitals and small clinics have available positions so you can chose urban or suburban areas to work without the concern of commuting to classes. Simply access the internet to attend class.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in South Carolina

Nurses are needed in South Carolina! Annual wages are similar to those in other states, with RNs averaging between $51,000 and $63,000 and LPNs earning from $33,000 to $40,000. Medical professionals are concerned about the low number of nurses in comparison to the high number of patients. Acute care facilities, hospitals, long-term care, and at-home care require qualified nurses at all levels. Nursing is a stable specialty that can be learned at campus and online nursing degree schools to ensure patients get the proper care.


We have located one online nursing schools in South Carolina to choose from. Online or campus classes are available.

Medical University of South Carolina

  • Charleston, SC
  • Enrollment: 2,515
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: Accelerated BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral), Post-Doctoral Programs, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in West Virginia

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in South Carolina and surrounding area include Greenville Memorial Hospital, Medical University of South Carolina – University Hospital, Palmetto Health Richland, McLeod Regional Medical Center, and Spartanburg Regional Medical Center.
