• info@onlinenursingdegreesnow.net

Locate the Best Online Nursing Degree Schools in Nevada

Online Nursing Degree Schools in Nevada A number of people have reached the point in their life where they are considering a second career. Have you joined the vast group reviewing the statistics for medical personnel in the state of their choice? A nursing career is exciting because it involves helping others have a healthier, happier life and offers a good salary. We will help you with what you need to know before you choose one of the Nevada nursing degree schools.

There are over 2,800,000 residents in Nevada. The state continues to grow in population as new businesses are added and families move to areas around the state to find more elbow room. Perhaps the state-of-the-art hospitals in Las Vegas and Reno have caught your attention as wonderful opportunities to help others with techniques in advanced medicine. Our goal is to help you find a nursing school that provides the education required to reach and succeed in your career goal, whether it is to be a Registered Nurse, Practical Nurse, or hold a Bachelor of Science or Master’s degree in Nursing.

Important considerations before selecting Nevada nursing degree schools depend on each person. Location, budget and time restraints are easier to deal with when you realize that online and campus programs in the medical field are available to meet your needs. The salary for LVNs/LPNs working at assisted living facilities and senior citizen residential homes in Nevada is higher than that of most other states. The average annual salary for RNs in Carson City exceeds $85,000.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Nevada

There is a high demand for all types of nursing skills in Nevada, and the current state growth indicates the need will continue to grow. The Las Vegas-Paradise area is a popular spot for snow birds, senior citizens who arrive and stay during the mild winter conditions before returning home in the spring.

An average starting salary of over $1200 a week and benefits like tuition reimbursement for classes from Nevada nursing degree schools, vacation, and health insurance provides a great income while providing a great service to others.

We have located two online nursing schools in Nevada to choose from. What is great is that you can attend either online or on campus.

Nevada State College

  • Henderson, NV
  • Enrollment: 2,515
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN

University of Nevada – Reno – Orvis School of Nursing

  • Reno, NV
  • Enrollment: 16,875
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in Nevada

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Nevada and surrounding area include Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center, University Medical Center, Renown Regional Medical Center, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center, and Valley Hospital Medical Center.
