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Find the Best Online Nursing Degree Schools in Louisiana

Online Nursing Schools in LouisianaMaking the decision to attend one of the Louisiana nursing degree schools requires a lot of research and comparison. Let us achieve our goal of helping you weigh the important factors required for an informed decision. This includes what you consider to be most important, are able to spend on classes, the location that suits you best, and the amount of time you plan to take to complete your studies.
There are approximately 41,000 RNs in the state, with nearly a third of them working the area of New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner. The average salary of $66,000 is a reflection of Louisiana’s lower cost of living. Nursing salaries vary by area, with those in Lafayette higher than New Orleans and earnings in Baton Rouge lower. Part of choosing a career path is the medical field is deciding how location helps you increase in skills and knowledge. With all the fields available in the medical profession, you will likely find an interesting one in a certain area that provides cross training and the opportunity to increase earnings.
There is a nursing program or school that is right for you and we will help you find it. Louisiana nursing degree schools cater to a specific career goal. Both campus and online courses are designed for earning your certificate in Practical Nursing (LPN/LVN) or as a Registered Nurse (RN). They are also practical in achieving a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Masters Degree in Nursing (MSN). It is a very common practice to earn certificates in several areas so that you have more job offers to consider.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Louisiana

The outlook for nursing careers in Louisiana is excellent as population continues to grow and healthcare receives positive support from state and local governments. Louisiana nursing degree schools promise the ability for dedicated individuals interested in the medical field to get the training required so they are ready to fill the nursing needs of businesses, government agencies, and private individuals. Benefits like insurance, vacation days, flexible schedules, and company-paid extra training make Louisiana a very lucrative area to provide excellent medical care for better than average compensation.

We have located two online nursing schools in Louisiana to choose from. What is great is that you can attend either online or on campus.

Grambling State University

  • Grambling, LA
  • Enrollment: 4,990
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner

Loyola University – New Orleans

  • New Orleans, LA
  • Enrollment: 4,715
  • School Type: Private
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in Louisiana

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Louisiana and surrounding area include Willis-Knighton Medical Center, CHRISTUS Schumpert Saint Mary Place, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Saint Francis Medical Center, and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.
