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Find the Best Online Nursing Degree Schools in Illinois

Online Nursing Degree Schools in IllinoisThere is so much to consider before you decide what type of nursing degree you want to pursue and which of the Illinois nursing degree schools offer a program in that area. Our goal is to guide you towards making the right choice so your early training is beneficial to your new career ambition. Whether your interest involves providing care in a large hospital, hospice, rehabilitation center, or independent living, classes are designed to prepare you for the skills and tasks required for that medical path.

A few years ago the metropolitan area of Chicago, Naperville and Joliet was second in the nation for employing registered nurses (RNs). Large cities like Decatur, Peoria and Rockford are additional locations requiring skilled, certified registered nurses (RNs), LPN/LVNs (licensed practical/ vocational nurses), and nursing candidates holding a Bachelor or Master of Science in Nursing degree. You can depend on us to help you evaluate and find an online or campus nursing program that meets your budget, time and location.

Advancements in medicine continue to create and expand the knowledge required for nursing skills. Specific career goals are catered to by nursing schools and programs. With so many choices, it is important to focus on and complete one of the programs of Illinois nursing degree schools before enrollment in another.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Illinois

The outlook for nursing careers in Illinois is very good, particularly in the large metropolitan areas around the state. Certified professionals from Illinois nursing degree schools will be able to help people recover from illnesses or surgery, as well as comfort them and their families during a difficult time. Nursing salaries vary by several thousand dollars throughout the state with an average annual salary of $67,000 for RNs. A lower cost of living and additional employee benefits attract candidates to open positions in the suburbs and rural areas.

We have located three online nursing schools in Illinois to choose from. What is great is that you can attend either online or on campus.

Illinois State University – Chico – Online
Chico, CA
Enrollment: 16,935
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: RN-to-BSN, MSN

Illinois State University – Fullerton
Fullerton, CA
Enrollment: 36,260
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, RN-to-MSN, Certified Nurse Midwife, Nurse Educator, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner

Illinois State University – Dominguez Hills
Carson, CA
Enrollment: 14,480
School Type: Public
Accredited: Yes
Online Program: Yes
Degrees: RN-to-BSN, MSN, RN-to-MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner

Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in Illinois

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Illinois and surrounding area include Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Laguna Honda Hospital, Loma Linda University Medical Center, and Sutter Memorial Hospital..
