• info@onlinenursingdegreesnow.net

The Top Online Nursing Degree Schools in Georgia

Online Nursing Degree Schools in CaliforniaThe need for qualified nurses is easier to satisfy with both traditional brick-and-mortar and online nursing degree schools in Georgia. There are many choices to consider before deciding which course of study in the nursing field is best for you and where to take it at. Things like how much time is involved, if you are financially able to pay for the program, the school’s location, and where the jobs are located for your specialty are items we research so we can provide the information to you. One or our most important goals is helping you achieve your objective by getting the required training and education.

Whether you prefer to live and work in large areas like Atlanta, Macon, and Savannah or smaller areas like Waycross and Decatur, you’ll find employment opportunities in nursing. Schools, doctor’s offices, urgent care clinics, and even large companies require certified personnel prepared to handle medical problems encountered every day.

We have found that candidates who focus on an area that is compatible with cross training are more likely to find a position in the specialty they choose. It also provides the opportunity for earning other certificates through online nursing degree schools in Georgia as you work towards better-paying positions that enhance job security. We’ll help you determine your career path and the best way to earn it. Qualifying in Practical Nursing (LPN/LVN), as a Registered Nurse (RN), or earning a Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Nursing (BSN/MSN) is an immediate goal that can be supplemented with additional training in the future.

Outlook for Nursing Careers in Georgia

The federal government predicts that the nation will have a shortage of over 800,000 RNs by 2020. Georgia is currently one of the top 10 states with the highest shortage. Quality of life standards and an increase in at-home health care are partially responsible for the increase in nursing positions. Online nursing degree schools allow medical personnel to work and fulfill advanced training requirements at a lower cost.

The benefit is qualifying for the average annual RN salaries of $65,000 to $75,000. LPN/LVNs in Atlanta earn upwards of $39,000 annually, with average salaries 25 percent higher than identical postings across the country.


We have located three online nursing schools in Georgia to choose from. Online or campus classes are available.

Georgia College and State University

  • Milledgeville, GA
  • Enrollment: 6,500
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, RN-to-MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner

Georgia Southern University

  • Statesboro, GA
  • Enrollment: 19,085
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: BS/BSN, LPN-to-BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, RN-to-MSN, Nurse Practitioner, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

North Georgia College and State University

  • Dahlonega, GA
  • Enrollment: 5,650
  • School Type: Public
  • Accredited: Yes
  • Online Program: Yes
  • Degrees: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-RN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner


Top Jobs for Nursing School Graduates in Georgia

Some of the top employers of Registered Nurses in Georgia and surounding area include WellStar Kennestone Hospital, Northeast Georgia Medical Center, Medical Center of Central Georgia, Grady Memorial Hospital, and Emory University Hospital.
